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Library Services

Purchase Requests

Purchase requests

Cardiff Met Library welcomes recommendations for new books and additional library materials. If you require a particular resource for your studies or research that is not currently available within our collection, you can ask the library to purchase it.

Making a purchase request

Before making a request, check MetSearch to confirm that the item isn't already available. Both staff and students requiring specific research or study resources can initiate a Purchase Request.

The Purchase Request form is located at the top of the MetSearch page:



Sign in to MetSearch to complete the form. Provide as much detail as possible.

If you’re a lecturer and the resource is required for your module reading list, add it to your Leganto reading list. We will assess the most suitable format and quantity for your cohort.

All suggestions are considered. We will inform you about the purchasing decision after considering factors such as availability, cost and relevance to our collection. Whenever possible and feasible, we prioritise purchases of electronic resources.

If you need an item urgently or only require a single journal article, an Interlibrary loan might offer a quicker solution compared to a purchase.

For new journal subscription or database requests, contact an Academic Librarian