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Downloading ebooks for offline access

VLeBooks - Chapter download

If you know the chapter or section you want to access offline, it is recommended you download the chapter as a PDF. Chapter download does not require third party software and does not expire so you can keep the PDF indefinitely.

Click on Read Online on the book details page:

From the book details page, click on the print icon at the top of the page:

This gives you information about the number of pages you can print/save from the book. Once you have printed / downloaded a page, the allowance automatically counts down.

Type in the pages you want to save and click on Print:

Next to Destination click on the drop down menu and select Save as PDF. Click Save and this will give you the option to save the selected pages as a PDF:

VLeBooks - Full book download

Before downloading a full book on VLeBooks, ensure you have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your device.

Find the book you want to download and click on Download:

Select the number of days you want to download it for and click on Download:

This will generate a download link. Click on Click here to download and the book will open in Adobe Digital Editions:

From Adobe Digital Editions you can see how long you have left until the book expires:

VLeBooks - downloading to a mobile device

Install the Adobe Digital Editions app (Available on Apple App Store and Google Play):

Search for the book you want download on MetSearch and open it in VLeBooks.

1. Click on Download:

2. Choose the number of days you want to download for and click Download:

3. Click on Click here to download:

4. Click on Download:

5. Click on the download arrow that appears next to the URL:

6. Click on Downloads and the book number that appears:

7. Click on the upload arrow and select Digital Editions:

The book will then appear in your library and will be accessible offline until the expiry date.