Library Services is currently engaged in a number of open access (OA) publishing agreements (in partnership with Jisc). These enable Cardiff Met authors to publish open access without incurring any costs (often known as APCs).
Our staff and students at Cardiff Met benefit from access to excellent resources that underpins their work but often this work is behind paywalls - it is one of the purposes of agreements we have to help change this by providing more research on an open access (OA) basis. The key aim of the OA movement is that anybody should be able to read about research (in this case published as journals articles) that they help to fund as citizens.
OA publishing using APCs can be expensive so we have put in place agreements to help with the costs and administration (it is important to note though that these agreements do not cover other costs that may be associated with publishing such as additional page charges.)
Publishing OA also means staff retain copyright of their own work, students can freely access work (legally) on places like Moodle and the work that people produce at Cardiff Met will remain OA enabling it to reach a wider audience.
We have a number of OA publishing agreements in place - this includes the following publishers listed below
Please note that in some cases the entire portfolio of journals from a publisher will not be included in a open access agreement. You can also view a full list of participating journals. Pease check this before proceeding to submission if you wish to publish OA - you can also email to confirm eligibility.
View a full list of participating journals (Cardiff Met IT login required)
Further details of each agreement can be found in the publisher links above.
Our agreements ensure that authors at Cardiff Met should not face any author facing fees that may be levied for OA publication - the library funds what are often termed Article Processing/Publishing Charges (APCs) on behalf of Cardiff Met Staff. You will need to be the lead/corresponding author in applicable journals to take advantage of the agreements.
The opportunity to publish OA will be offered to Cardiff Met authors during the publication process - most often after the acceptance of an article in a participating journal.
Get in touch with Mark Lester (Assistant Head Librarian: Scholarly Communications) if you have any questions about what we offer to support OA publishing.