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Library Services

Creating a List

Create a New List

  • Click on Create List in the top left of the Lists page.
  • Give your reading list a name. This could be the module code followed by the title of the module or whatever is appropriate for your reading list. Add an optional list description if required and click Next.
  • Under Create sections you have the option to use Cardiff Metropolitan's template, separated into Required, Recommended, Further reading and Journals. Alternatively, you can choose to organise your list sections by weeks.
  • Click Create list.
  • You must Link to course to make the list visible to the right student group in Moodle. This should be automatic if you have accessed Leganto via the Moodle module. It can be added now by clicking on Link to course at the top of the screen or later by going to the ellipsis menu for the list on Lists and clicking Manage link to course

Creating List Sections

  • If you would like to add a section, click Add and select New Section.
  • Give your section a title and optional description. You also have the option to enter start and end dates for each section. If you only want students to see a section during these dates then you can tick the appropriate box. Click Add to finish adding the section. You can continue to add more sections as needed. Once added, you can re-arrange the order of sections by dragging and dropping.

Add an Item using Search the Library

  • Click on the + Add button to add resources to the list:
  • This will show a drop-down menu where you can select Search the library to find and add items held by the Library. You can search by title, author, ISBN, ISSN and keywords, just as you would on MetSearch. You can also select to search for a specific type of resource or search everything.
  • Once you've done your search, select the appropriate item from the results and add it to the reading list. You can drag and drop items from your search results directly into the relevant section of your reading list by hovering over the citation and clicking on the green tab on the left-hand side. You can also click on the + symbol to choose a section of the list to add it to or to add to your favourites. If you need to edit an item's details first, you can click Add and Edit.

Add an Item using Manual Entry

NOTE: Before using manual entry to add a new item to your list, always use Library Search to check if the item is already held by the Library.

  • Click on the Add Items button to open the menu.
  • Click on Manual entry, fill in Title and select the item Type (e.g. book, article etc.) and click Next.
  • Choose a section from the drop-down menu, and click Add.

PLEASE NOTE: Be aware of copyright restrictions if choosing to upload content. To request digitisation of a chapter, article or extract under the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency HE Licence, please see the relevant instructions below.

Add an Item using Cite It!

The Cite It! button allows you to add resources which are not held in the Library to your list directly from selected websites.

To add the Cite It! button to your browser bookmarks:

  • Click on your Settings cog on the top-right of the screen.
  • Click Cite it!
  • An animation appears indicating how you should drag the purple button to your bookmarks bar.
  • When you find a relevant item listed on a website, click on the Cite it! button and a pop-up will appear. You can then edit the details and add it directly to your reading list or to Collection.

Add an Item from Favourites

  • Click on the Add button to open the drop-down menu.
  • Click on Add from favourites. The items you have saved will appear in this list and you can drag and drop them into the appropriate section of the list or click on the plus symbol, select Add to list choose the section and click Add.

Add an Item directly from MetSearch

  • Search for your item in MetSearch as normal and click on the title to bring up the information screen.
  • In the 'Send to' section, click on the Leganto option.
  • Select whether to add the citation to Favourites or List; choosing the correct list and section from the drop-down option.

Adding Tags

PLEASE NOTE: All items on your list will need to be tagged to indicate priority. These tags are visible to students and are used by the Library to determine how many copies we need to make available for students.

  • You can add tags to your list items by clicking on the title and then Add tag.
  • You will then need to choose the relevant tag: Required, Recommended or Further.
  • Required - all students must read this. The library will ensure there are sufficient copies available for a ratio of one book to eight students.

    Recommended - all students are advised to read this. It is expected that students will read at least some material from this category and the Library will ensure there are sufficient copies available for a ratio of one book to sixteen students.

    Further - students may choose to read this. The library will endeavour to ensure we have at least one copy available.

Requesting Digitisation

The Library can digitise extracts, chapters and articles added to Leganto under the terms of our CLA (Copyright Licencing Agency) HE Licence.

Placing a digitisation request is easy, use Search to add a book or print journal to your reading list. Click on the citation and then select Request Digitisation.

  • Fill out the relevant details in the pop up that appears and click Send.
  • Your request will now have the status of Digitisation in Progress:
  • When your request has been processed the library the status will change to Digitisation Approved. A link to the document will then appear on the citation. Students can then click and download their reading instantly.

You can find out more about digitisation and complying with the CLA Licence on our Digitisation and Copyright pages.