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Learning Pathway Workshops

We have completed the Library and Academic Practice workshop programme for the current academic year. We are currently developing new workshops to add to our existing Learning Pathways workshop programme. Autumn Term workshops, dates and booking links will be added to this page in August 2024. Take a look below for an overview of the learning pathway workshop collections we will be delivering.

In the meantime why not explore our range of online resources? Begin by taking a look at the Library and Academic Practice BiteSize and LiveLearning video collections which include time-stamped extracts from our live workshops edited and time-stamped for your convenience! Be sure to also take a look at the Academic Practice webpages where you can find a wealth of written, audio and visual learning resourcess.

Learning @ University

Join the Library & Academic Practice team for this series of interactive workshops designed to empower students with the understanding, competencies, practices and overarching strategic approaches necessary to excel at university. This workshop series will examine a range of ideas that will enable you to make the most of the learning opportunities provided by your Cardiff Met University course. Whether you are a first-year student or are approaching graduation these workshops will enable you to examine and better understand, firstly your own preferred approaches to learning and secondly, the concepts and aims that underpin the learning, teaching and assessment practices you encounter during your academic studies at Cardiff Met and beyond.

Assessment @ University

Whether you are a seasoned graduate engaging in postgraduate study or a first-year student embarking on their academic learning journey, this workshop series will aid in demystifying assessment processes whilst prompting you to consider ways in which you can work to the best of your abilities during your university course. Join the Library & Academic Practice team for this collection of expert-led interactive learning sessions addressing the underlying principles of university assessment and marking criteria design to maximise your performance in a variety of university assessment types.

Feedback @ University

Harness your own learning and assessment potential by better understanding the invaluable role of tutor authored feedback within the wider learning and assessment cycles encountered during university study. Relevant to all students from first year undergraduates through to postgrads, join Cardiff Met's Library and Academic Practice team on this series of workshops to enhance your capability in managing, interpreting and most importantly, acting on feedback to improve your assessment performance during your university learning journey.

​Finding & using sources @ University

Join the experienced librarians and expert learning facilitators of the Cardiff Met Library and Academic Practice team for this series of important workshops tailored to the needs of beginner and advanced students alike. Elevate your academic research and writing skills by learning the 'science of searching'. Better understand the role of different academic source types, the array of Cardiff Met digital and physical library resources, the plethora of general and specialist academic databases available to you at Cardiff Met as well as developing confidence in the core practical search skills necessary for identifying, evaluating and critically utilising important academic sources within your own university assessments.

​Citation & referencing @ University

Join the Library and Academic Practice Team for this series of workshops designed to equip you with the essential understanding and practices necessary to navigate the complexities of academic citation and referencing. Allow our team of experts to guide you through the complexities associated with when to reference different academic source types within your academic work, how to go about formatting in-text citations and associated references and importantly how to utilise citation techniques to underpin and develop the critical foundations of your own academic thought and writing. Suitable to all students from first year undergraduate through to postgraduate / doctoral continue the process of developing academic excellence whilst ensuring your own academic integrity by attending these workshops.

Writing @ University

Progress your academic writing skills through this collection of workshops intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike. The workshops will provide you with tools and techniques to craft clear and well-structured assignments and longer research projects. The Library and Academic Practice Team will guide you through the intricacies of developing and communicating critical argument, drawing on academic evidence as well as the essentials of academic writing style. Join us to explore how you can refine the academic writing process, articulate your ideas with clarity, develop your own authorial voice and in doing gain a clearer picture of how to gain higher marks.

Thinking critically @ University

Equip yourself with the intellectual tools necessary to analyse, evaluate, and synthesise the central knowledge and information that defines the study of your academic discipline. Join the Library& Academic practice team for expert guidance and interactive learning exercises that will help you learn how to develop a questioning mindset, approach research problems systematically, construct persuasive academic arguments, and offer well-informed critical conclusions. Understand how to identify biases, explore multiple perspectives and in doing so, foster a deeper understanding of your subject.