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Secondary Education (CSESP)


As a university student, you must understand and use journals. Unlike books, journals are published more regularly and contain shorter research articles, usually on very specific topics. These 'academic magazines' are the building blocks of academic thought and help you keep up-to-date with new thinking. Journals can be found by searching MetSearch or in Reading Lists that your tutor provides on Moodle. Most journals are only available online, these are known as ejournals.

There are three main types of journal in MetSearch:

  • Academic journals: aimed at researchers and peer-reviewed (checked by experts).
  • Trade journals: aimed at professionals working in a specific industry.
  • Newspapers: aimed at the public with a focus on daily or weekly news articles.


BrowZine, a desktop and mobile app, is the easiest way to discover relevant academic journals relevant to your degree discipline. For more information, see our dedicated guide to BrowZine.

Discovering Journals

The easiest way to find a specific journal is Journal Search.

Alternatively, you may choose to search multiple, often hundreds, of journals in one go using our journal collection subscriptions found in the Databases A-Z. These collections include Education Research Complete, Education Database and Taylor & Francis Journals.

Interlibrary Loans

If you are interested in a particular journal or journal article and we do not have it, please consider using our free Interlibrary Loans Service.